Winter Garden Maintenance: Preparing for Spring

by Jan 30, 2024Blog

As we wave goodbye to January and welcome February, our gardens quietly await the onset of spring. This period is critical for garden maintenance, ensuring your outdoor spaces are primed for the upcoming bloom. In this blog, our garden maintenance experts in Cheshire offer advice on preparing your garden for spring.

Tidying and Cleaning Up

Begin by tidying up your garden. Remove any fallen leaves, dead branches, and debris that have accumulated over winter. This not only enhances the appearance of your garden but also prevents the spread of pests and diseases. Remember, Acorn Landscape Services can assist in clearing your garden, providing a neat canvas for spring.

Pruning and Trimming

Late winter is the ideal time for pruning most deciduous trees and shrubs. Pruning encourages healthy growth and flowering. However, it’s important to identify which plants benefit from winter pruning. We possess the knowledge to appropriately prune your plants, ensuring their optimal growth in spring.

Preparing Soil and Beds

The end of January and the start of February is the perfect time to prepare your soil. Digging over your beds, removing weeds, and adding compost or wellrotted manure will improve soil structure and fertility. We provide professional soil preparation services, ensuring your plants have the best possible start.

Planting and Planning

This period is also great for planting bare-root trees, shrubs, and some perennials. Planning your garden layout and plant choices now can save time in the busy spring months. Our team can provide expert advice on plant selection and garden design tailored to your space and preferences.

Lawn Care

Lawns can look a little worse for wear after winter. Lightly rake your lawn to remove thatch and moss and consider aerating it to improve drainage. Our team offers comprehensive lawn care, from aeration to fertilization, to ensure your lawn is lush and green for spring.

Protecting from Late Frosts

Keep an eye on the weather forecasts for late frosts. Protect tender plants with fleece or move them to a sheltered location. Our team can advise on the best ways to protect your plants from the unpredictable UK weather.


Garden maintenance at the end of January and beginning of February sets the foundation when preparing for a stunning spring garden. Acorn Landscape Services in Cheshire is here to help, offering bespoke garden maintenance advice and services. From pruning to lawn care, our team ensures your garden is beautifully prepared for the spring. Contact us today to get your garden springready!

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